Sunday, 2 May 2010

Five real time images capture

As Charles Darwin said friendship can measure a worth of a person, human 's friendship is an intensive and complicated network, it can relates Steven Hawking's quotes about the specialty if the universe is without boundary. To me, friendship is network that can compare to and even surpass the universe, moreover Friendship really has no boundary as we can connect to anyone in the world with different skin colour and religion.

the meeting place is below and surrounded by the 90 degrees connected Labs. It shows how people are surrounded by others through friendship as in like universe are around the Earth, but the relation is indirect.

Lab 1 is inspired from Charles Darwin quote.
I intensively interlock 3 major prisms and then by deducting 2 prisms. form a strongly-hold existence to illustrate the idea of friendship(bond). Therefore interconnecting prisms clearly shown the strongly-hold existence that illustrate the idea of friendship(bond between persons(strong and close).

For lab 2, as Steven Hawking said that universe without boundary would be special. Planets are attracted to each other by gravity, meanwhile human relationships itself is an enormous network. People are attracted to each other by some reasons, that involves emotions and independent thinking, therefore isn't this network comes even more interesting and unbelievable than the universe. Thus lab 2 is more simple involving big prisms to express the size of the universe though, it has less interlocks as i think it may not be as complicated as human friendship system.

To connect the two labs , i derived a 90 degree turning rectangles to demonstrate the indirect but similar relation between friendship and universe.

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